Krippner, Stanley & John White – Future Science
The map: Resources:
Hawking, Stephen – A Brief History of Time
black holes and the shape of the universe. Starting from two contradictory levels – 1) the time & the space (as depicted by relativity theory) and 2) the matter & the energy (as presented in the quantum mechanics) – so, from macro level and micro level, Stephen Hawking is advancing new hypotheses concerning a) the…
Rosenblum, Bruce & Kuttner, Fred – Quantum Enigma
quantum enigma. The science of physics is involved with something unphysical: the matter has to take account of the mind: the enigma of the outside is meeting the mystery of the inside: objectivity and subjectivity look at each other. So, according to this book, two questions are asked: 1) does consciousness create physics? and 2)…