- future science. Fritjof Capra’s book – “The Tao of physics” (1975) – was the beginning of what could be named “the New Age hypothesis” according to which 1) the modern physics is validating 2) the ancient traditions – especially: religious, mystical and magical experiences. This hypothesis was offered by some books like: “Mysticism and the new physics” (by Michael Talbot), “The eye of Shiva” (by Amaury de Riencourt), “The dancing Wu Li masters” (by Gary Zukav), “Stalking the wild pendulum” (by Itzhak Bentov), “The medium, the mystic and the physicist” (by Lawrence LeShan) or “Dialogues with scientists and sages” (Renée Weber). And of course, “Future science” by John White and Stanley Krippner. In their book, White and Krippner are drawing the distinction between “science” and “parascience” even though a third term could be added, namely “nonscience”. The “parascience” is a large body of ideas and feelings, most of which are obscure to and ignored by the actual and modern science: in fact, any scientist if asked about are labeling them as “illusory”, “imaginary”, “primitive”, etc. However, from this large body of ideas and feelings is expected, at least by the White and Krippner, to grow (not all of them, being sufficient even only one of them) in a super science, a postmodern science – in a word the “future science” that will not contradict the actual science, but who will encapsulate it and lead it forward. Any one of those ideas and feelings “might contain the seeds of still another revolution in science that could eventually lead to” (p. 22) something “beyond presently accepted models of science” (p. 15)
The map:
- John White & Stanley Krippner (1977): “Future science. Life energies and the physics of paranormal phenomena”, Mass Market