Sorea, Daniela – Paradigmatic Dimensions of the Individuation Process

  • archetypes. Carl Gustav Jung advanced some concepts with which the world could be understood. These concepts come in antinomian pairs – i.e. they are contradictory and not just conflicting (they are contradictory because they deny each other; while they are not just conflicting for, although they present different perspectives, however they can only work together in certain special circumstances). Starting from here, Daniela Sorea presented six case studies using Jungian archetypes – in her book “Paradigmatic dimensions of the individuation process” [in the Romanian language: “Dimensiuni paradigmatice ale procesului individuator”] (2019). These studies are based on the following scholars: Gail Kligman (Ch. 2), Ion Ionică (Ch. 3), Marie von Franz (Ch. 4), Lucian Blaga (Ch. 5), Mircea Vulcanescu (Ch. 6) and Paulo Coelho (Ch. 7). Also, the Jungian archetypes that the author is refering to in her book are: the Ego, the Self, the Persona, the Shadow, the Animus, the Anima, the Wise Old (Wo)Man and the Puer Aeternus.
  • soul’s map. In the literature, as far as I know, there are two models of the structure of the internal world, models proposed by Jung. And two others proposed by Stevens and Jacobi. Besides these four models, other authors proposed spectacular images – it is enough to search such names as: nonnaci or Lenoir. Thus, first, Carl Gustav Jung presented an image, as an example, in 1925 – see “Analytical psychology. Notes of the seminar given in 1925” – which is based on a representation that lacks metaphor; as well as in 1968 – here I have in mind the work “Analytical psychology. Its theory and practice. The Tavistock lectures” – which has a much simplified presentation, being based only on metonymy. Secondly, Anthony Stevens (in his book “On Jung”) also sketched a map of the soul, that is presented as an example, without being the subject of the book’s discussion (for Stevens didn’t think in images), and which is based only on metonymy. Instead, Jolande Jacobi presented an image that used all four tropes (the metaphor, the metonymy, the synecdoche and the irony), although she also used it as an example for her ideas. And, in the last line, I would leave it up to the reader to look for (or maybe not) the images proposed by nonnaci and Lenoir. (See Image 1) And, at the same time, I add my own image, which is not only an example, and which is based on three tropes (without the metaphor) – see Image 2
  • individuation. Contrary to what it is believed, I’m stating that the individuation process ≠ the self-realization process ≠ the healing process. For, in the first place, while individuation is a typical process of analytical psychology, then the self-realization is a stage on humanistic psychology. Also, in the second place, neither individuation nor self-realization, once achieved and fulfilled, do not ensure any healing – they may coincide with the healing process, but it is not a universal law by which i) if individuation, then the healing process; or ii) if self-realization, then the healing process.

Image 1:

Image 2:


  • Daniela Sorea (2019): “Dimensiuni paradigmatice ale procesului individuator”, Presa Universitară Clujeană
  • Daniela Sorea (2018): “The role of fairy tales in the self-realization process”, in Angela Repanovici, Manolis Koukourakis & Tereza Khecyoyan (eds): “Book power in communication, sociology and technology”, Trivent Publishing, pp. 85-100
  • nonnaci: “Jung” (Accessed 04-Mar-24)
  • Frédéric Lenoir (2021): “Jung, un voyage vers soi”, Albin Michel
  • Jolande Jacobi (1973): “The psychology of C. G. Jung”, Yale University Press
  • Anthony Stevens (1991): “On Jung”, Penguin Group
  • Carl Gustav Jung (1970): “Analytica psychology. Its theory and practice. The Tavistock lectures”, Vintage Books
  • Carl Gustav Jung (1970): “Analytical psychology. Notes onf the seminar given in 1925 by C.G. Jung”, Princeton University Press

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